Focus and Stay the Course

Focus and Stay the Course

As a little girl, I can remember how happy I was when I learned to ride my bike. If I was riding on a flat smooth surface, riding was easy and enjoyable. I remember the first time I tried to ride my bike on the gravel roads in our neighborhood with some of my friends. I fell several times.

One of my neighbors said “Debbie you have to follow the tire tracts and follow the smooth path in the road, and if you don’t you will fall every time. If you don’t watch where you are going the big rocks get in the way and you will fall, or could be thrown off your bike.” So I learned I needed to pay attention and stay within the tire tracts. At times riding in the path could even be bumpy. After a few skinned knees, I tried harder to focus on where I was riding.

So goes the Christian life with our faith. When life seems to be going smoothly, faith is effortless. But when trouble or temptation blindsides us, it can be more difficult to stay the course. That’s when we must try harder to focus on our faith to get us through the hard times. Everyone goes through times when we feel like we don’t enjoy the ride. That path can be frustrating, or disappointing, or a feeling of discouragement, despair or hopelessness. Maybe you can’t see your way out. Don’t give up, God is still with you, and He can make a way where there seems to be no way. “Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.” Ps 119:105. We can’t make it on our own and we need each other. By being present for every service, studying, sharing, caring, uplifting, encouraging each other and praying, and studying the Word of God each day, we can make it. If we fall, and we will fall, the important part is to get back up again. It’s a blessing to have a great God, and brothers and sisters in Christ to help you get up when you fall.

-Debbie Lester


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