The Motivation for Good Works

The Motivation for Good Works

Serving the Lord, being faithful, doing good works, etc. requires motivation. We may realize the need, and we may know how, but until we are motivated, the good works will not be done. What gets us involved in doing good works? What drives some people to abound in the work of the Lord, while others cannot seem to get started? It is motivation. Some have it while others do not. What then is the Christian’s motivation? The greatest and most noble is love.

Love for God. The absence of love is the absence of desire. The strongest of all motives that can change our lives and move us to greater heights of service in God’s kingdom is love. That is why the two greatest commandments is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Luke 10:27) Love for God motivates us to worship and serve Him. His will becomes our will. “We love Him because He first loved us.” (I John 4:19) Love begets love. If one does not love God as he should, the reason may be that he does not fully appreciate God’s love for man. God made the supreme sacrifice for our salvation. (Rom. 5:8) Our love for Him will motivate us to make some sacrifices for Him. We will give up some television, get up earlier, go when we are tired, spend some money, and find the time to do what needs to be done. If we don’t, how can we believe that we really love Him?

Love For Man. Why are we to love our neighbor as we love ourselves? Because we are interested in our welfare. Our sicknesses, troubles and problems concern us. And our concern motivates us to do whatever we can to remedy the situation. Therefore, loving others motivates concern for their welfare. Love and concern bring about action. We think of ways to help and then follow through with good works. “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith.” (Gal. 6:10) The greatest need of man is salvation. Realizing what God did because of His love, what are we willing to do because of our love? God has provided the way, but people must hear about it. That’s where our love for man springs into action. We go, give, support, teach, encourage, admonish and pray because we love the lost, and the only way the lost will hear the truth is through our love in action. When our brethren hurt, we hurt; when they are troubled, we are troubled. Our love for them brings forth action, service and good works.

Love for the church. Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. (Eph.5:25) How much do we love the church? What are we willing to give? The church is God’s family. It is only natural to love one’s family. The local congregation provides that family environment, through which we grow closer to each other and closer to God. Love for the church at Tara will motivate us to want to see it grow to the point of becoming personally involved in it’s growth. That means supporting every good work, assembling faithfully, being dependable, and praying for the success of everything we are doing. That means loving every person and every family that makes up the church. How much do you really love the church? The only gage of genuine love is action.



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